Words to live by!

Ruby from Cold Mountain: "They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say 'Shit, it's raining!'"

Monday, July 5, 2010


Last week I said to the world, "I feel boring." And I still do, but I'm adding this blog to my life, EVEN if know one reads it. I'm doing this for me--it's an honest effort to be less boring, to be connected, to be un-rutted.

And because I've never been great with transitions, I'll jump right in. Major life changes are life's way of striating us. My dad has been known to say, "The days are long, but the years are short." I get it. He always asks me if I know what that means. I do! Parents ever stop explaining, I guess...he also asks if I uderstand, "Never look a gift horse in the mouth," and I really DON'T understand that one. It just makes no sense! Anyway, I want to make the most of every day. I want to soak up every moment. And maybe I can learn a few things along the way.


  1. That is my favorite quote from Cold Mountain!
    And I love your blog. I have lots of friends that have them and I have always wanted to do one but get overwhelmed at the thought of having to update something everyday, every two days, etc. So maybe one day...Ha

  2. Thanks! Yep, my favorite quote too!! I looove Ruby!

    You should do a blog. You've got lots to keep us updated on with the wedding stuff!! Everyone loves to hear about wedding planning--it's fun:)

  3. A horse with good teeth is a sign of a healthy horse. A gift horse, one that is freely given, shouldn't be "looked in the mouth" because it is a free work horse. If you needed a wrench and I gave you one, you wouldn't decline because it had a scratch. Same with a book with a torn page. It just means to be thankful for the gifts given.

  4. THANK YOU FOR GRANTING ME CLARITY, DOOBIE!! I'm serioius. I've been hearing that all my life and I have always understood the saying, but I never really got where it came from, and that ticked me off!! Now if I could figure out how to be a "follower," I'd have it made! Follower...that sounds super-creepy.
